James Kallinger
Jim is a former State Representative from the Central Florida area and has enjoyed a diverse career in both the private and public sectors. In addition to his time serving as an elected official, he is also an entrepreneur and patent holder, has served as a policy expert with leadership roles in state governments, consulted on public-private partnerships, and has led non-profits focused on creating better public policy.
During his tenure in elected office, he received the Freshman Legislator of the Year Award from the National Republican Legislators Association. Jim also served in statewide executive leadership roles with governors in Florida and Kansas in the area of child welfare and adoption.
As a State Certified General Contractor, Jim was the President of his own construction company for over 16 years that, in part, served the disabled community as an approved Medicaid provider. He is now involved with the construction of EV charging stations throughout the state.
Jim has served as a Commissioner on the Commission on Marriage and Family Support Initiatives, and also served on the boards of the Interfaith Hospitality Network and of the Florida Housing Development Corporation. Jim received the National Activist of the Year Award from Citizens for a Sound Economy.
More recently, in the interest of protecting the Florida Constitution from the manipulation of special interest groups, Jim organized a group called Save My Constitution during the 2018 election cycle. This dedicated alliance of about 20 former Florida state legislators boldly spoke out and criticized the conduct of the Constitution Revision Commission, and eventually was successful in ushering a resolution through the legislature to put an amendment on the ballot to repeal it.
Married for more than 38 years, Jim and his wife, Dana, have four children.